Saturday, September 06, 2008

So anyway, about in late July i went to Koh Samui for a few days to visit my god-sis, before school started and all the 300 level shit piled up, and i rather blog than do homework.

scootered around most of the island, but stayed mostly in Mae Nam area, which is west of Chaweng, the popularer spot for holiday makers. Also, went to see some of the tourist attractions, like Wat Phra Yai (Big Buddha)........which is basically a statue...of a big Buddha.

Those boxy things are fortune teller machines, the Buddhist version. And on the right of that are like statues representing what kind of character/ personality you have based on the day you were born. I forgot what was what, but i think mine was proud/stubborn BUT usually right. basically i'm an asshole.

annnnnd, Hin Ta lae Hin Ya, two natural rock formations, aka Cock Rock and Clit Cleft.

as well as traipse around the various beaches still uninvaded by bloated tourists.

My future house/beach paradise/drug hideout.

Visited the school where god-sis is teaching now, and I think teaching primary or seconday school kids is alot scarier than tertiary. Like, standing up in front of thirty or forty cherub-faced children who are all actually the spawn of satan and having to control the class, and it's not like you can smack them around either. Really tough. Kudos to teachers everywhere!

And in between all that, got a taste of the rural life, and fun with animals and all. Good times roll on.

Riding elephants and going to see waterfalls!

The waterfalls, had to trek/bash through half an hour's worth of jungle trail. We're talking rocks and mud and tree roots. Mountain goat path. Super fun if it was supposed to be an adventure trek, not so fun for a bum like me.
And right at the top, there was a dude in a shanty lean-to selling drinks and stuff. Which means everyday he clambers up to the top toting Coolers and bottles of drinks to sell to thirsty tourists who got more of a workout than they wanted, i.e. everyone who's not a local who goes up there.

Farming chickens! (actually, was the neighbours' chickens. We were just feeding them bits of fruits)

Watching buffalo fights (which is a daily thing in Samui), and I was told (jokingly, i think) that the winner gets an all-you-can-eat-buffet and the loser gets a one way ticket to an abattoir in Phuket. Like seriously.

Locking horns and smacking the shit out of each other.

Shit smacked and running for what's going to be most of the rest of his life.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

everytime i talk to my dog i can almost hear her speaking back to me. and she's damn vulgar.

"when i come back i buy snacks for you okay sweetheart?"
"damn straight you asshole. you better not forget like the last time, i'm tired of your bullshit"

"good girl!"
"i don't need your fucking validation."

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

and the whole fucking world can come crashing down with just one sentence.

cause et effet.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Off for the week for spring break. Not that i've been posting religiously anyway. Anomic about everything.

Robot chicken is not all funny, but it has its gems.
Southpark finally has a new season.
Taboos should be taboo.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Learning alot in the college here. Teaching style, while not radically different (since our local edu system is somewhat based on the western academic system, though more british based) seems a lot more interesting, if not effective, to me. Lecturers have a lot more autonomy in how they run their classes, and accordingly, it's quirkier and more fun to be in, although i guess there's more room for subjectivity and bias, whiccch just means interpersonal skills are more important in ingratiating oneself, yet another important life skill.

Here, i finally learnt stuff like how kurt cobain wasn't mumbling nonsense in teen spirit about mulattos, and a young marlon brando had a really whiny voice, and cold saps everything, and the difference between an A grade, and a C grade is proper citations, and the best weapon to rob people with is a double barrelled sawn off shotgun, just for the street cred, yo.

the atlanta rock radio station has a funny dial-in segment. It's called the local F U line. you get callers going:
"Hi, i'd like to say a big *toot* to my boss, for having a brilliant idea to have a company party, and then makes me do all the work, and leaves early!"
"Hi, i'd like to say a big *toot* to my uncle frank, who got me a really ugly present, thanks for wasting my time opening it."
"Hi, i'd like to say a big *toot* to XYZ Auto motors, i just got a car from them, with leather seats and all, and it sucks."

the joys of a non-repressed life. freud would be moved.

anyway, i don't get how a country so steeped in religion its citizens are moving towards declaring it a christian nation can be so heretical about religion in the first place. it's like for every puritan, there's a equally radical athiest. but marx was right when he said religion was the opiate of the masses, because most of the time, it's the poor, the downtrodden and the uneducated that espouses religious faith, and the smart, wealthy folks that can afford disbelief.

sort of like Eden and the tree of knowledge, i guess. so the moral of the story is, stay stupid and happy, or smart and miserable. There really is a lot going against the theory of divinity, but hey, the faith clause trumps all.

For example:
A: i don't believe in god.
B: one day, you will be touched by his message and find him in your life. (oh i'm sorry, that should be Him, with a capital H)
A: if god exists, why is there so much suffering in the world, like *insert random genocide/war/disaster*
B: we cannot hope to fathom His will, but He has a purpose for us all.
A: if we can't hope to understand, how can christians evangelize religious dogma, isn't that subject to the same misintepretation and unfathomable nature of god?
B: you just need to have faith.
A: you mean the same faith that is adhered to by the majority unthinkingly, like gullible sheep following each other blindly? is that why people are likened to sheep all the time in the big book?
B: maaaa!* (exactly!*)
A: in that case, i have the same faith in the flying spaghetti monster and russell's teapot.
B: 1.5 billion people can't be wrong!
A: actually, they frequently are. it's a fallacy of democracy for the masses to not doubt it's fundamental beliefs, and to go along with the popular vote. it's how little eichmanns and mobs happen.
B: what about all the proof? the shroud of Turin, veil of veronica, tomb of lazarus. and other relics?
A: i thought all you needed was faith?
B: ... you're going to hell.

no i don't just make shit up. it's as valid a theological argument as any.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

So there i was, trying to order an ipod nano online at the apple store cos' tim and kianboon tell me is cheaper and can do free engraving.

and the price no difference, it's 199 for the 8gb model, but the message i wanted can't be now i have to think of another one.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

You can't always get what you want.
You can't always get what you want.
But if you try sometimes, you might find
you get what you need.

That's the song ringing in my head now, ringing true to what i need to do.

Life's complicated in the bureacracy of the military.