Waaaaah sibei long time since i post sia. Kaoz.
School's been hell lately, got alot of stuff to do, suddenly no time to slack liao, go home also is to sleep only.
Right now i'm in class, Feature Writing, just finished my tutorial and don't feel like doing the upcoming one yet... (and i wonder why i feel there's so much work...)... Dennis is late for class. -again-. hahahahahahaha
On another note, even though things have been pretty hectic lately, i still feel pretty cheery and upbeat. Don't know why, it just seems like everything's gonna b okay soon or something. Just a feeling, i guess.
Musicwise, check out Oleaner and Justincase. Cool cool cool bands, my current favs.
Oleander you gotta listen to Halo, which was featured on one of the American Pie movies i think, and I Walk Alone.
Justincase take a hear at Without You, featuring Michelle Branch, and stuff like Don't Cry For Us and After You. really great stuff.
Cya around!
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Friday, August 15, 2003
Hokay, finally managed to get internet back...whee~
Din get my scholarship app. =( . not smart enuff i guess. Lately been having a run of bad luck....but with one saving grace. These couple of days when i reach the bus stop the bus comes. hahahahaha.....saves on waiting time.
Big hoo ha about kazaa and file sharing nowadays, what with "stop music piracy" campaigns and the overhanging threat of $100k fine with up to 5 years jail for infringing on copywrited moosic. =P
cripes...just remembered, i have a test tomorrow 2 study 4 and a CA draft for feature writing to prepare, and i haven't started on either. And i'm going to go watch LXG lata.....so heck abt it. i'll do it after that i guess.....
K i think i'll go off to play games now. cya.
Din get my scholarship app. =( . not smart enuff i guess. Lately been having a run of bad luck....but with one saving grace. These couple of days when i reach the bus stop the bus comes. hahahahaha.....saves on waiting time.
Big hoo ha about kazaa and file sharing nowadays, what with "stop music piracy" campaigns and the overhanging threat of $100k fine with up to 5 years jail for infringing on copywrited moosic. =P
cripes...just remembered, i have a test tomorrow 2 study 4 and a CA draft for feature writing to prepare, and i haven't started on either. And i'm going to go watch LXG lata.....so heck abt it. i'll do it after that i guess.....
K i think i'll go off to play games now. cya.