Friday, June 15, 2007

still in vietnam. having fun. day lecture/lessons. afternoon field trips to museums or social work, evening go out to play or do project.

learning alot. about how many people are stupid. very irritated sometimes but apart from that it's quite fun here. because the food is cheap, the people are nice and everything else in general is pretty good.

Went to a couple of places for social work this week. Played with the children and disabled, all the rah rah, where they were doing embroidery and tailoring and stuff.

{add photos when the internet isn't so wonky}

i miss you guys (should know who you are, otherwise no, i don't miss you) lots of things i still want to do, people to see, places to go. Life is slower, and more repetitive here, but also idyllic and calmer than the frenetic bustle of singapore.

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