Against my own credo, and very unwillingly, Safuan forced me to watch Harry Potter and the prisoner of askajamulabongaballs, and it actually turns out to be a pretty good show! Now, i'm interested in reading all the HP books.... unlike Saf who watches for only one reason---
The depraved perverted paedophile.
She's only, what...15?? But a hot 15 year old.
Anyway, holidays are boring as hell, because i haven't really been going out, living a very monastic lifestyle. Eat 1 or 2 meals a day, meditate alot, sleep alot, go running and gym alot. Heh.
Good thing about this is i'm saving loads of cash, and theoratically getting fitter by the day. Only thing is i'm very inconsistent with my training, and that is due to another of Safuan's recommendations---
Soooo... go to hell saf! bloody bad influence. Anyway, u or ahmad sees this. Punisher! and/or spiderman 2!
While i'm still on mat, you bloody chikunehneh! Can reply next time on MSN anot!
And the last part of this post shall be a rant. on how some people only ever look for me if they need help or want something. -_-
it's... annoying. They don't call, or e-mail, or even IM me most of the time, which suits me fine actually... but whenever they do. i know for certain they want something, so i'll always have this little debate going on in my head on whether to pick up/reply them or just play dead.
Sadly, my selfish side is so selfish it refuses to speak up at all, so my helpful side wins all the time, and i end up doing all the shite work.
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