spent christmas at andrew's place, playing onimusha 3. heh. it was so gay, four guys lounging around and watching a stupid korean show about sex. speaking of which, everyone should go watch this show called "sex is zero", which is like, the korean version of american pie.
some poor guy does all sorts of weird shit in the show, and gets caught out by the girl he likes alot doing disgusting stuff, like kena mistaken for molester and when he was licking some jam off a pin-up of a model at the punani area. anyway, is sick and hilarious, but the plot is despite the girl detesting him at the beginning he does everything for her and eventually they end up together.
Which. got me to thinking even tho i got no hope now i should just continue doing my best, as friends first and not dare to hope for more i guess. and for some reason i'm finding more and more friends in more or less the same situation as me, where the girl they like is attached then they feel like shit. yes go for it man!
anyhow, after the show we traipsed down to cine to watch kung fu hustle at 4 am. which i think was good despite the rest (andrew adam jana jaiyme) disagreeing. of course, for the two girls it may be cos' they slept thru most of it. after that go sit outside taka talk cock for a while, saw all the rubbish along orchard road due to christmas celebrations, saw some poor guy lost the wallet looking everywhere for it, saw some ang moh drunk liao buy more beer drink summore then merlion. crap la. people are shite.
moving on, now we got school liao, two modules only, one's professional preparation and the other's new communication technologies, not bad because we got three days school weekly only, but bad cos' got project and need to do a lot of preparation. in fact, today was supposed to meet my group do our prep for tutorial cos' this thursday our turn to facilitate.
reached abit late but then this idiot who i cannot name say he need to leave because he need to go do something i cannot say because he told me not to. haven't start zao liao. bugger. so end up discuss with EK only.
anyway, a couple of photos to brighten up my blog!

poly forum, part of the group i was in (economic opportunities), normal looking people.

still poly forum, now not so normal looking people. please be unable to spot me.

went kl with a few frens, andrew's not in this one cos' he take photo. went to the theme park in berjaya square cos' heard roller coaster damn fun, turned out to be a disappointment, but got other fun rides, like this centrifugal force one. spin³!
ooyar, one last thing i want to say is i feel really terrible cos' i lost my aunt's ang pao on christmas eve. feel really bad and guilty cos' it was from her. when i realised it i went and retraced my steps all the way back to her place (cos' i went there for dinner) and spent like half an hour searching for it. she's the one who brought me up, and in this world i feel i only owe my lfie to three people, my parents and her.
she was the one who got my brother and i jade cruccifixes long ago when my parents got us baptised after we were born, which is why i wear it all the time, not because i'm particularly religious.
okay that's enough for now, i shall endeavour to update more frequently. and to give a fun site to play games (for ppl who nvr take cda) here -> reflex games
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