eh note to ms. k w a who will be sniffing around people's blogs on monday-> the mtv clip about the underwear. just click. it's currently the top link. but then not sure if kontraband can load on school network.
okay, moving on to the blog portion of today. had nct tutorial at 9. woke up at 9. best part is my group's turn to head up the tutorial. oh well. after that went gym but dunno why damn weak, do abit only bth. think need to quit smoking.
then go play lan with runjian and dennis, who was 'flirting' with the counter girl. that's about it. family came back today too. yay! means i dunneed to go out and walk like hell just to get food at night. god i need to get my driving license faster.
in other news, i have been posted to 5aatchi for my attachment (the 5 is only cos' i dowan to spell it properly wait later kena googled jia lat), happy happy about it cos' my pay is not bad and my LO (liason officer) is ms. n who's nice, which is good. (sorry dennis)
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