Tuesday, January 04, 2005

New year resolutions!
->quit smoking. WEF 1st Jan 2005.
->train harder to reach cummando standard of 9.25 for 2.4km run.
->work hard for attachment and get A
->errr....can't think of anything else.

maybe sleep at more regular hours and get up earlier, don't be late for school, stuff like that.
k blog more when i can think of stuff to write, play game le.

ooyar, with the recent hoo-ha over kazaa and file sharing and all that it is strongly unadvisable to download stuff in the new year, especially music and video files from big record labels and movie studios, because they are the ones most likely to be bo liao enough to track u down.

this is pertinent more so with multimedia from the U ass of a. cos' FTA makes it easier for them to bug local service providers to cooperate. soooooo.... remember in the old days of p2p, first, napster, when they got into trouble, everyone switched to morpheus, then when they were getting screwed, to kazaa.....and now ares. whee. the power of piracy. and porn.

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