Monday, March 08, 2004

okay just a quick note before sleeping.

tomorrow school starts again...dammit, spent my one week hol like so fast...... attended a three day first aid course... hahahahahahaha funny instructor, tell alot of funny stories. was with my darlingest shifa, ming xuan carol ning and hafiz on the course... took up like half my precious holiDAys...

then went bintan with jack jaiyme jana and andrew for a couple of days, stayed at mana mana beach resort, go beach tried out jetskiing, go-karting and the damn banana boat but didn't get to go parasailing....:(

got burnt and managed to burn almost all my money too... hahah brought back like 1 carton of indomee which is damn nice but i later found out sg got bring in......... -_-'

okay that's about it... will post pics when can, till then, damn u eng kiong for telling me to buy i'm addicted to it...... >_<

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