Long ass post!
Or would be, if i could remember half the shit that went on...
Had a great day hanging out with friends today! Many many things to post about!
Woke up early early at 12 plus, supposed to meet up with Ahmad and Safuan to go for the ACS(Br) funfair.... so went to fair. Had a blast running around and messing stuff up. Cos' we're from the graduating class of 2001, didn't know that many people cos' many many year pass alledy.
Bought 30 bucks worth of tickets but ended up spending only 9 dollars worth, on drinks. Kanasai! Nevermind, i will just take it as fund raising. In which case i have already donated $300 to the school before to pay for one wall.
The story behind this is that in sec. 4, we always muck around in class wrestling and stripping ppl and stuff, so anyway one day i was messing about with this classmate, we'll call him Fatass, but he's not really fat, just a big ass guy with a tkd blackbelt, and so Fatass pushed me into a row of chairs, after which i got pissed off and pushed him back against the wall partition.
Dunno how he fell, but he went through the wall, and we could now communicate visually with the class next door. Couldn't cover the hole because it poked through to the other side, so decided that attack is the best form of defense. Cos' it's always better to report shit that happened first, if you can't cover it up.
Went to see the discipline donkey, who thought we were covering up for something the class did, and didn't believe that the hole was caused by a dimunitive guy like me shoving a fatass like Fatass into the wall. End result was that the whole class got detention and we had to pay for the wall.
Barker boys...
ANYWAY, going back to today, we bumped into an old friend, Roger (name changed to protect identity), from Pri. sch, a really nice guy but is slightly autistic. And it's mean to laugh at things like this but the conversation was really, well, funny. Chatted for a few minutes then was about to go off, when he asked for our names...
Roger: "So what's your name, Mr...?"
Me: "Chris."
Roger: "Chris who?"
Me: "Yah, Chris Who."
Safuan: "Chris H-O-O."
Roger (to Ahmad): "Okay, and you are...?"
Ahmad: "Matt Damon."
Roger(to Safuan): "I'm sure... and you?"
Safuan: "Shah Rukh Khan."
Roger: "Not surprising..."
He knows more than he lets on, but he's really nice and all about everything. Great guy. Following which, we went around the school bugging random strangers, took pictures with complete strangers, picked a fight with a bewildered stallholder, flirted with every girl there, stuff. Made videos and all, will try to upload after editing. Heh.

Met up with loads of old teachers, esp. Mrs. Tan, who was the head of the PE dept and our favourite teacher, cos' she's in charge of our second CCA, Sportsleaders, which is basically a society that organises sports events, with the fringe benefit of skipping school a hell of a lot.
Old times...
Went down to Orchard to meet Marcus for dinner after that, which was great! cos' i finally get to see all of them again! Will interject here with hard evidence that all my friends are gay, AND HERE THEY ARE!

Saf sucking Ahmad's bicep when we just reached ACS. gay fags. Not 10 minutes after meeting and they're at it already.

Three of us! Moi, Fat² Marcus and Skinny Prick Ahmad! (Note that they have their gay arms round each other.)

Marcus flirting with his fren who's clutching at his chest protectively. Note the provocative pout and head resting on hands seductively.

Just. Gay.
Ate at Heeren's NYDC, where Saf ordered the Dynamite pizza, and asked for the super motherfucking hot version, which you can request for. Hahahahahahaha when it came it was really superduper cowraping donkeyhumping hot!!! after one slice he was like, scratching his head and about to cry and all! End result, the rest of us had to help him finish.
Waiter was flirting with Marcus, complimenting him on his choice of pasta, Ahmad was flirting with the waitress. Well, we all had loads of fun!
birthday surprise!
After dinner, on a spur-of-the-moment decision we went to watch the safuan show, The Woodsman. Bought tickets and wanted to head up to Cineleisure level 8 to play pool before the show started, what should we see but a roaring birthday bash at k-box's function room! thrown for Hilltop Muay Thai's Master Johnnie!
*Ahmad and I have both trained under him a long time ago, but then we both slacked off le. Hahahahaha nevertheless he has de absolute best muay thai training in singapore!!! as well as bleddy hard shins.
Went in to wish him happy birthday right, then he seizes me and ahmad, and repeatedly invites the whole bunch of us to eat and drink something. Not daring to refuse, we all grab a cup of coke, because i'm scared if we don't, he might beat us up.
(Actually he wouldn't really beat us, he's a really really nice guy, but it sure isn't for lack of ability)
Snapped a picture with him too, but decided to leave after a very short while because of the muting atmostphere. Was very quiet and docile inside because can sense the aura of many many good fighters. Then is like in their presence we didn't dare to drink or smoke in the room even tho others were. Like if you know most of the people in the room can kick your ass you're gonna be a good boy. :P

L to R: Ada & Ahmad (gf&bf), Master Johnnie!, KC, mememe, Marcus & Saf (bf&bf).
Oh well, will post the pictures as soon as i find a good host. Any recommendations? picgallery and photobucket seems to take devious pleasure in hanging my uploads. Cheers! (Edit: Thanks jH for recommendation! photobucket finally unhumped me and could upload it. will try gfoto if it tries to anal me again.)
-first post in more than a month, cos' i drafted part of this on Sunday then only posted it much later-
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