Barbary sheep! How it got there i have no idea, it's really pretty high up even tho the picture doesn't show it...

Some of the other peeps taking CDA gawking at the animals...

This bear has a really f**ked up expression on his face. He looks stoned on weed.

C'mon. don't tell me this get up doesn't seem reminiscient of an S&M site... leather straps, chains...

Muthafcuking big crocodile! Cam was on min zoom and he still so big! Took up like the whole glass panel....


Lion that looks like it's about to rape the lioness...

Monkey loving menage a trois.

Love this pic, dunno why. whole lotta red ass baboons!
Okay that's about it for the animals....

Extreme close up pic of terence, taken by F.F. Fa. (Shit man that sounds like a pro photographer name or something....)

Another ECU by F.F. Fa, this time of me! Actually was fiddling with the camera's settings and trying to take selective focus shots... i.e foreground clear but background fuzzy...

Shifa! the dood who took the portrait pics.
Alright i'm lazy to blog words. so chilllz!
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