Feeling... a little down now. As in i've been floating for a while now...so sooner or later must come back down to earth... and normality... :(
Anyway! We have AA for ICM! A major major module with a huuuge project, which means we'll really have to work damn hard... at staying awake.

Read Dennis' blog for more details on AA.
While i'm on the topic of school, let's talk about my least favourite lecturer. The fucker man. I still remember last time he came to sub for Ms. L³'s lesson once, and treated our class like shit. Insulted our parents and acted like he's the biggest dick around.
(Yes ms. kwa i realise this is permanently online, even if i delete it because of archives and cache files...)
Anyway, the point is, since he's teaching our class officially this semester, he is treating us better and not acting like an ingrown penis. Because. We fill in lecturer evaluation forms, and can finally bitch back about him. Bloody hypocrite. Act nice and enthu and all that, simply because if enough people fill in negative criticisms about him, his ass is on the line.
To get a better idea of how he's like here's a picture of him...
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